"README.TXT" but don't expect to understand (.ro version: http://6thlense.blogspot.com ...sometime)

15 September 2008


I *enjoy* good food, and I already have my own favourite places like restaurants, pizza bars and the like.
Even in Bulgaria I found something, and it's not the food, the beer or anything that sits on the table; I was glad to find that beer of them, Kamenitza, but that place would still be pleasurable no matter what I can (or cannot) find there.
Still it's nice to find the stuff I was looking for...

05 September 2008

Don Cafia

Can't help falling in love with the little icons on the can, can't either wait for the other flavours to be brought here in .ro; until then, I still in love with the old taste of ice coffe. And it's almost a given with me: any coffee is good, as long as it's cold.