"README.TXT" but don't expect to understand (.ro version: http://6thlense.blogspot.com ...sometime)
15 September 2008
05 September 2008
29 August 2008
Massive and irreparable damage
One day you wake up just to find your unironed shirt, and the only thing that passes thru your mind is... Does really anything exist into your brain? Do you really know that person that you see first thing in the morning? At least you know that cat... but soon you have to leave it all behind. Go to work, go to work! ...says the voice in your head. And you don't have a snooze button for your mind.
28 August 2008
Black or white
From an article about arts like music and photography:
„He'd say he couldn't "hear" music he didn't understand, and he'd listen till he got it. When somebody says something like "I hate abstract expressionism," or "I hate rap," they only mean they've never looked into it and it's still something apart and outside. People who understand, differentiate. They see the landscape of that genre, the ups and downs, the ins and outs. Until you start to get the subtleties, you haven't yet really started to see.”
How many times have you seen *me* in black and white? Sometimes the picture says more if it's coloured, but there you go: the finger-four, in a form as black and white as people use to think like.